Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The ideas are rolling around inside of my head...

For the last week or two I have had moments of, "I need to blog about that" but never did it. Of course I have an excuse and my excuse is Evan. When I asked for the computer today he said that I could have it when his fingers were dead and cold. As you can see I am married to someone who is quite attached to his electronics. In reality he lets me use the computer whenever I ask and is much more gracious about it than I am.

Lately I have been having "you know you are pregnant when..." moments.
For example: "you know you are pregnant when..."
*If in the movie, School of Rock where Jack Black is talking to different students and telling them that they are great at this or that...makes you want to cry, then you are probably pregnant.

Ok, so I had a lot more examples but have forgotten them. Oops...I must be pregnant.

Jeremiah and I went to the Gresham Mom's Club playgroup today. I was very excited to get to hang out with some other moms and babies. I can be a bit shy in the beginning of things or meeting people, but I have thought about going since September. During the fall I didn't have a car so that was my excuse for being cooped up in the house all day and not having any friends. Now though I need to be around other moms so badly that I faced my fears and did it. It was actually a God thing. I had been thinking about getting involved in one of the mom's clubs around here and on Sunday I was really convinced that I needed to go to one. When I got home from church and looked at my email I had a message from the president of the mom's club inviting me to come to the playgroup. So I did.

It was at a church in Gresham, though not affiliated with a church. I had to drive there all by myself and I think I did some pretty good stick driving (that was the part I was more scared about). I found the church and went inside to where they were having some sort of meeting. I knew that the group met downstairs, but when I went down there were a ton of children's classrooms and I didn't know which one they met in. I listened to see if I heard any children and after a few minutes (I got there early) I heard someone go through a door. So I followed whoever it was and found where the group met. Yay! Jeremiah had fun playing and I had fun being there though I was not as outgoing as I would have liked. There were about six moms and nine kids all three and under. It was good. Good to get out of the house and good to be brave.

I thought I had a lot more to say, but if I don't blog right away I guess it goes out of my brain.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The 9 month mark

So you may or may not have heard the news, but...I am pregnant...again! The nice thing about not using birth control is that we don't really worry about getting pregnant or are surprised and unprepared when it happens. We actually expect it every month. Each month we wait for "the time" to come and if it doesn't, well then we probably have another child on the way. Usually every month I think I am pregnant. "I feel kind of queasy...I must be pregnant." "I have to go to the bathroom a lot...I must be pregnant." So forth and so on. This month I actually thought I wasn't pregnant which makes it funnier that I am.

After I had Jeremiah I asked God for at least 9 months before I got pregnant again. Sure enough I got pregnant when Jeremiah was 9 months old. God is funny like that, but he sure does answer prayer (I joke that next time I will ask for a year :). It is not surprising though considering how Evan's and my life together has followed a 9 month pattern fairly closely.

Here is the breakdown:
Dating-Engaged: 9 months
Engaged-Married: 9 months
Married-Jeremiah: 9 months
Jeremiah-Pregnant #2: 9 months

Now in 9 months we will have another baby and 9 months later...who knows? Every 9 months though we do expect some big change in our life to occur which keeps life interesting.

We are excited about having a baby. This time it is a lot easier to not worry so much since I have a good idea of what will be happening. It is nice to already have that experience. The second pregnancy is also a bit harder though. Taking care of Jeremiah is a big job that demands a lot of attention so the thought of being pregnant gets pushed out of the way a lot. I am sure when I am huge then I will think about it more, but at the moment it is easy to forget that there is a little "bean" inside of me that will someday be my son or daughter. We will hopefully get on the Oregon Health Plan again, so soon I can visit the doctor. I want to hear the ultrasound of the little heart beat and make sure there is just one and not two.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A new year already...

I can't believe that it is a new year already. I also can't believe that Jeremiah is 10 months old tomorrow! Time flies so fast when you have kids.

At the moment we are trying to undo some "accidental parenting" that we did in the sleep department with Jeremiah. We have never really had a plan with him when it came to sleep. We just kind of did whatever worked for the night, including him sleeping in our bed consistently for awhile. Well no one gets good sleep with that arrangement and frankly I don't want him to be sleeping in our bed till he is 5. I like a little alone, away from baby time each night as well. I have also been getting him to sleep in his crib every night at least for a few hours.

The problem is that he never learned how to soothe himself if he wakes up and how to go to sleep on his own. Consequently, he is almost a year and is still not sleeping through the night. That fact is further frustrating because he was such a great sleeper in the beginning. We thought we'd have no problems in this area! We are serious about this now and are engaging in a battle of the wills every night from now on in an attempt to get him to sleep on his own and to sleep for the whole night. The hard part is that he has a very strong will. We'll see who is still standing after a few days.

Wish us luck!