We have 74 days until we move to Indonesia! How crazy is that? It is so weird to think that we will be moving to such a new life in so few days. It will be busy up until then as well. May involves trips to our churches in Eugene, Salem, and Yakima to let everyone know what we are up to and how to pray for us. June involves spending two weeks with Evan's family on the East Coast including North Carolina and Florida (our hot weather and plane practice runs). After that trip we have about a week and then we fly far, far away.
Lately we have been preparing by buying things. Evan has to get two years worth of clothes, including ones for work, here since he is bigger than most Indonesians. So we have been spending money right and left, which is a bit unnerving, but fun at the same time. We never get to just spend money, but right now we have to. We have bought a whole bunch of other things as well and since we are actually doing pretty well time-wise we can still shop around and get good deals.
On another note...I am 22 weeks pregnant and I am starting to feel big and bulky. I have had the pregnancy belly for sometime now even when my sister who is farther along than me was not showing. I guess my uterus got excited that it gets to go to work again and popped right back into doing what it knows how to do...stretch. I just think it's funny. I love being pregnant and it's exciting because you get a cute baby as a payoff at the end. I still can't even imagine all the work having a newborn and an 18 month old will be, but I am sure having a maid in Indonesia will help. :)
19 hours ago